Wacky Clubs


The extra-curricular clubs consisting of; before school, lunchtime and after school, provide children with the ability and confidence to undertake and maintain sport and physical activity participation as well as the development of life-skills. The clubs assist in the five stages of child well-being outlined by the government in the Every Child Matters agenda. These are;


  • Be healthy – through contributing to the minimal daily moderate-vigorous physical activity levels of 60 minutes of per day


  •  Be safe – through ensuring children are coached by qualified, insured and DBS checked coaches who are knowledgeable and enthusiastic, have up to date child protection and first aid qualifications



  • Enjoy and achieve – through providing fun games and activities, providing high success rates, rewarding hard work and effort and assessing participant’s based on their own development and abilities as opposed to others


  • Make a positive contribution – through allowing for autonomy during sessions where appropriate, generally when choosing games, sometimes in choosing team mates and at times in how to complete skills and activities developing cognitive as well as physical and social development


  • Achieve economic well-being – through providing opportunities for different races and class’s to work together and to provide possibilities of sporting careers through role modelling, informing and opportunity



Multi-Skills Club 

Our multi-skills classes are aimed at Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 children to help develop their fundamental motor skills during the initial, elementary and mature stages. We focus on stability (e.g. balancing on one leg), loco motor (e.g. running) and manipulation (e.g. throwing) skills, ensuring holistic development from an early age.


Sport Specific Clubs

Our sport specific clubs are aimed at Key Stage 2 children, providing the opportunity to develop a range of basic sport specific skills and understanding of the rules to engage in these sports, while continuing to master the essential motor skills developed prior to this stage.

Club types: basketball, football, handball, skipping, tennis, multi-sports, gymnastics.

Health & Fitness Clubs

Our fitness style classes are aimed at Foundation stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 to assist in the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle utilising the development of previously learned and current motor skills to engage in fun and enjoyable games and activities. These clubs foster an emphasis on skills and qualities including; team work, communication, honesty and an understanding of the benefits to being active. These are a great morning energiser, structured lunchtime class or after school activity.

Club types: fun fitness, skipping, crazy circuits, bish-bash-box, nutritious nutrition.


All participants are individual and are treated as such therefore; sessions are tailored to the needs of the individual as opposed to the group as a whole. All clubs consist of ongoing formative assessment that is, assessment that develops learning via the provision of feedback, which has shown to increase pupils attainment levels.


Fun and Enjoyment

We emphasise the need for enjoyment through providing fun games and activities both task and non-task specific. Our sessions also allow for high success rates, developing competence, aiding motivation to continue participation.



We believe in inclusiveness and through fun competition, provide all children who attend our clubs with the opportunity to partake in an end of term sports fixture, developing their; understanding of sportsmanship, ability to win and lose gracefully, mind-set through trying their best and team work, all key skills and qualities required in life outside of school. The fun competition also provides a chance to develop new friendships for children and parents alike, for parents to observe their child’s development and for schools to interact.



All coaches have NGB coaching qualifications to level 2 standard or equivalent, sports coaching degrees or both.

We provide a range of equipment including balls, football goals, bibs, cones, parachute, basketball posts, hoops and much more to ensure the kids have a great time.


‘We fully enjoyed the skipping tournament organised by Daniel. Children from every year group in the school were able to take part and they were encouraged to support each other throughout. The variety of events ensured that teamwork and individual skills were recognised and rewarded. The children benefited from the competitive nature of skipping against another school and were enjoying themselves so much that they did not even realise the high intensity workout they were getting! We look forward to participating in more skipping competitions in the future!’

– Mark, P.E. Coordinator, St Paul’s Juniors